Natalia Cortina

Optical illusions

Optical illusions ideas:

I struggled to upload a picture here in html but it is on my canvas from The New School


I started with three ideas, and ended up doing an opposite thing. But I think that is what is great about code, as you start learning, you realize that you can make different things. When I saw the optical illusion using text, I thought it was perfect for me because what I take most from where I come from is my language. The language gap there is between native English students and international students goes sometimes unnoticed. It is both ways, sometimes someone struggles to communicate with another person because of language and that is what I wanted to communicate here. If you do not know either language you won't be able to understand it.

It was really fun to play with different colors, and see how they reacted with the blend mode. I decided to add the circle grids just becuase I found it amazing how the circles completely hid in the background, and I made it by trial and error. I kept changing the colors until I got the color code just right enough so it would hide. But to sum up my work, it is based on the language gap there is and that it always will be there.