I struggled to upload a picture here in html but it is on my canvas from The New School
My game actually started very different and I as I started coding I went on changing the aesthetics while the concept is the same. What I wanted to portray in this game is an anxious and busy mind that sometimes I struggle with. I think there is no better way to know someone than to know how they think and feel. Playing the game is supposed to release a little bit of stress, and also give some advice and affirmations so users end up feeling fullfilled after interacting with it. There are no winners or loosers here, I tried to play with the concept of games and thought that winners and loosers are just made up concepts that helped people place themselves somewhere. For me, I feel like everyone is so different, that there could not be a good possible way in which one could categorize human beings as winners or loosers.
It was also a personal excersise for me, I liked looking up advice and affirmations that I felt have served me in my past. The fact that the user will inevitably touch a bad thought is a metaphor from life. Bad thoughts and obstacles are always going to show up, you may be able to avoid one or two, but you will encounter some over the course of your life, even if you feel like you've got it all. So, during my game, there is only so much that can be said by an external person which is "careful!", then you have to keep going and never look back on those thoughts you let into your life. I hope my game is as relaxing and mindfull as it is for me, I had a lot of fun coding it and adding my aesthetic taste.